Container substrate “Container+TonL”

The coarse-fibrous container substrate was developed for potting plants in containers. High proportions of well-structured white peat and LIGNOFIBRE® enable the airy structure required for container plants.

Peat substitution rate:

  • 40% 40%

CO2 savings*:

  • 60% 60%

Container forms:

70 L


Gramoflor Verpackung Profisubstrate

Product details

Article-No: 2008
Domain: container plants
Application: potting container
Additives: gramoMICRO DEPOT, mineral fertilizer, clay
Target-pH-value: 5,8
Strcture: as agreed

Raw material composition:

  • White peat 50% 50%
  • Mixed peat fibre 10% 10%
  • LignoFibre® (wood fibre) 30% 30%
  • Coco 10% 10%
Made in Germany Grafik
Grafik Fußabdruck, weniger Kohlenstoffdioxid
RAL Guetezeichen Grafik

* Calculated CO2 savings using HORTICERT GHG methodology vs. 100% peat. Basis: ex works, loose.