All around care with the gramospeed® fleece pot system

Our fleece potting system gramospeed® was specially developed for the cultivation of young plants. It promotes fast and uniform callus and root formation and increases the resistance of the young plants to fungal infections. The advantage of this is a significant reduction in chemical plant protection and improved stress tolerance and vitality of the young plants. With the help of high-quality gramospeed® fleece quality, we avoid possible fungal growth on the fleece. Due to the structure, even fine plant roots penetrate the fleece well.

The gramospeed® fleece pots are filled with high-quality Gramoflor substrate.
When selecting the substrate for your fleece pot system, we recommend the supplementary use of Gramoflor MO-CONCEPT. In the Gramoflor product catalogue you will find specific gramospeed® substrates. After consultation with the responsible technical advisor, we also develop professional substrates with our fleece potting system as an individualised special mixture.