Why are the coconut products Cocopeat and Cocofibre good substrate raw materials?

Cocopeat (coconut pulp) and Cocofibre (coconut fibres) are sufficiently available in the countries of origin such as India and Sri Lanka as residual materials from coconut processing and have meanwhile also proven themselves excellently as peat substitutes in professional horticulture.

Coco products are basically much better than their reputation in terms of environmental compatibility. Despite the long transport routes, Cocopeat and Cocofibre have a relatively good CO2 balance. They are renewable and are transported very compactly by ship to the destination ports near the production sites.

Another advantage in terms of the CO2 balance is that they are residual materials whose recycling is in line with the circular economy. In addition, the coco products purchased by Gramoflor are manufactured in accordance with the SA 8000 social standards. On site at Gramoflor, the raw material Cocopeat is then further processed by Gramoflor itself using a specially developed process, taking into account the respective culture requirements. A large part of the so-called leaching of interfering salts/nutrients thus takes place under controlled conditions.

Gramoflor is thus able to process the cocopeat and differentiate it into three types so that it can be tailored even more precisely to the respective culture requirements in terms of salt content and physical properties. This enables continuity in the chemical properties and thus a particularly high level of quality in the use of coco products.

Three Cocopeat quality levels are thus offered:

  • Type 30 for proportions in substrates up to 30%,
  • Type 60 for proportions in substrates up to 60% and
  • Type 100 for proportions in substrates of up to 100% and for particularly sensitive crops. Chemical buffering is no longer necessary.

Type 30

Type 60

Type 100

  • Typ 30 für Anteile in Substraten bis zu 30%,
  • Typ 60 für Anteile in Substraten bis zu 60% und
  • Typ 100 für in Substraten Anteile bis zu 100% sowie für besonders sensible Kulturen. Eine chemische Pufferung ist nicht mehr notwendig.

All varieties are RAL quality assured and also FiBL listed for use in organic horticulture.

RAL Guetezeichen Grafik